Conferences — Canadian Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

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2015 Conference: R2P at a crossroads


Each year, the CCR2P hosts an annual conference on a topic relevant to R2P. On the 21st of March, 2015, at the Trinity College Combination Room, the CCR2P was honored to host the Hon. Irwin Cotler and Dr Ramesh Thakur as Keynote Speakers and feature the remarks of Ambassador Paul Heinbecker, Dr. Kirsty Duncan, the Very Rev. Lois Wilson, Ms. Martha-Hall Findlay, and Ms. Erin Mooney. This conference was organized as part of our 2015 campaign: "R2P at Crossroads: Ten Years since the 2005 World Summit."

2014 Conference: From Rwanda to R2P: A Journey of Lessons Learned


Every spring, the CCR2P hosts its annual conference on a theme related to R2P. Last year’s annual symposium took place on March 29th 2014 on the theme of “From Rwanda to R2P: A Journey of Lessons Learned,” featuring Dr. Jennifer Welsh, the UN Secretary-General’s Representative on R2P as the keynote speaker.

Please click here for the video of Dr.Welsh's presentation. (Videographer: Randy Hanbyul Lee) 

Please click here for the photos from the conference. (Photo credits to Mr. Jae Hyun Park & Ms. Sarah Danruo Wang).


2012 Conference: The Responsibility While Protecting: Emerging Powers and the Future of R2P

This took place on February 16, 2012. 

A decade since its birth, the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle has made remarkable progress as an emerging international norm. However, it remains hotly contested, and even rejected, in the eyes of some UN member states. If the ongoing Security Council deadlock on Syria makes one thing clear, it is that the consensus on R2P has suffered since the 2011 Libyan intervention. Academics, government actors and international institutions have yet to develop mechanisms through which the R2P principle can effectively respond to looming catastrophes.

One attempt to improve the track record of the principle, and thereby expand its global consensus, has emerged in Brazil’s RwP proposal. RwP proposes a set of criteria for military intervention, a monitoring-and-review mechanism to assess the implementation of Security Council mandates and an emphasis on capacity building to avert crises before they happen. It holds that poorly executed military interventions can in fact aggravate, not alleviate, existing conflicts. RwP thus seeks to complement R2P by helping to break the logjam caused by Syria.

How should governments, scholars, civil society and students understand the implications of this proposal? This conference will address: 1) the meaning of RwP for the emerging R2P norm and, 2) the unique role BRICS can play in mobilizing international intervention. The Responsibility While Protecting: Emerging Powers and the Future of R2P will gather international experts to discuss this unique addition to the R2P debate for the first time in Canada.


2011: The Ten Years After the ICISS: Reflections for the Past and Future of the R2P 

This conference took place on November 12, 2011.